Windthorst ISD has been approved by the USDA to offer free breakfast and lunch meals to all children, ages 18 and under, through December 31, 2020. The basic meal will be free but any add-ons or extras will be paid for by the student. (example: extra milk) The meals will be available for non-school age (1-5) children beginning 10-20-2020 as a grab and go option, Monday through Friday, between the hours of 9:00 AM to 11:00 am, (Please order meals the day before or before 8:00 AM that morning @ 940-423-6644).
If you owe a balance, please clear these up as soon as possible. All money in accounts currently will be left in the students account until January for use when this Cares Program discontinues.
Please contact Sydni Humpert at or 940-423-6644 for more information.
Thank you,
Lonnie Hise