
100 St. Mary's Street
Windthorst, TX 76389


(940) 423-6688


(940) 423-6505



Faculty & Staff Directory

STAAR Tests – our first round of STAAR testing is this Thursday.  Please check the STAAR schedule to see when you’re 3rd – 5th grader will be testing.  It is important they are at school on these days – and well rested!  Thank you to the PTG for providing snacks to our testing students – we appreciate it!!
STAAR Schedule
4th Grade Reading: Thursday, April 20
5th Grade Reading: Tuesday, April 25
3rd Grade Reading: Wednesday, April 26
5th Grade Science: Wednesday, May 3
4th Grade Math: Thursday, May 4
3rd Grade Math: Tuesday, May 9
5th Grade Math: Wednesday, May 10
Snack Cart – We will have a snack cart tomorrow (4-19) and Friday (4-21).  Everything will be 1.00 – we have candy, drinks, and snacks!  All proceeds will go towards the end of the year AR trips in May.  Thank you for your support!!
Last Day of School – Just a reminder, May 17 is now a full day of school and our last day will be Thursday, May 18, with an early release at noon.  Kindergarten Graduation is still Wednesday, May 17 at 9:00